WP Block Patterns

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  • Utility Style Guide (Blockify)

    Color palette

    Default color palette inspired by the “Modern” WordPress admin color scheme. Theme color palettes can be customized from the site editor.

    Please Note: Neutral colors are reversed in dark mode, and the defaults can be changed by creating your own custom colors in the Styles editor with the following name scheme “Dark Mode Heading” “Dark Mode Body” and so on.





    For use with text, backgrounds, box shadows and borders. Default conic gradients can be changed by creating your own custom gradients named “Conic Light” and “Conic Dark”.




    Fluid typography scale automatically adapts to all screen sizes

    Heading / 72px

    Almost before we knew it we had left the ground.

    H1 / 60px

    Almost before we knew it we had left the ground.

    H2 / 48px

    Almost before we knew it we had left the ground.

    H3 / 36px

    Almost before we knew it we had left the ground.

    H4 / 30px

    Almost before we knew it we had left the ground.

    H5 / 24px

    Almost before we knew it we had left the ground.

    H6 / 20px

    Almost before we knew it we had left the ground.

    Text / 20px

    Almost before we knew it we had left the ground.

    Text / 18px

    Almost before we knew it we had left the ground.

    Text / 16px

    Almost before we knew it we had left the ground.


    Customizable uniform button styling


    Add simple notices to let users know of important announcements

    Info: These are the default styles provided by the theme. Every setting can be changed easily from within WordPress.

    Success: These are the default styles provided by the theme. Every setting can be changed easily from within WordPress.

    Warning: These are the default styles provided by the theme. Every setting can be changed easily from within WordPress.

    Error: These are the default styles provided by the theme. Every setting can be changed easily from within WordPress.