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  • Restaurant Menu

    À La Carte

    Our menu offers a selection of artisan goods.

    Tiger Grilled Shrimp — $54

    Grilled tiger shrimp served with garlic butter, basmati rice and vegetables.

    Grilled Wagyu Steak — $99

    A tasty wagyu steak with sweat potato chips and mint sauce.

    Green Burger — $99

    Green bread with fried chicken, filled with cheese, guacamole and coleslaw. Topped with onion.

    Salmon Fillet — $32

    Fresh coast salmon served with chickpeas in tomato, peppers and sour cream.

    Fresh Tagliolini — $35

    This pasta is one of our most famous dishes, served with king crab and chilli pepper.

    Hot & Bold Salad — $35

    Hot chèvre salad with endives, mustard sauce, walnuts, Port wine and pear.